Guide for Reviewers
What to expect from code review
Is the design appropriate for the system? Should the code be changed or should the library be changed?
Is now the best time to add that feature?
Does the code perform the expected functionality or behavior and is it good for the code's users (other developers on the same team)? Is the code concise?
Are accurate names used?
Are comments clear?
Comments should only explain "why" the code is necessary.
If it is necessary to explain "what" the code does, then the code is not concise.
Are there tests?
Code review speed
How fast should code review be done?
If there are no tasks in a state of concentration, code review should be done immediately after receiving the code to be reviewed.
The maximum time allowed to respond to a code review request is one business day. (In other words, it should be done at the beginning of the next day at the latest.)
Exceptions are made if you are working on your own task when a review request comes in.
Ideally, you should not have any reviews pending before leaving the office.
There is a concept of "LGTM with comments," which means "you can merge it if you fix only XX."
1. If the developer can appropriately address the issue themselves
2. If the issue is minor, such as having a "Nit tag"
How to write code review comments
Strike a balance between pointing out problems and providing clear direction while allowing the developer to make their own decisions.
["Generally, it is the responsibility of the developer, not the reviewer, to make changes to the CL."] Developers, who are familiar with the code, have a higher potential to come up with excellent solutions. This is similar to Experts cannot manage in that Previous companies, interviews and appearances related to oneself.icon How to Handle Pushback in Code Reviews
Code Review Standards
This is similar to Feedback and Review.Previous companies, interviews and appearances related to oneself.icon